
just something to think about

Thinking about the Sun as i watch it Rise this fine Friday morning...   Our Sun is becoming a busy place. Taken just last week, the Sun was captured sporting numerous interesting features including one of the larger sunspot groups yet recorded: AR 1339 visible on the image right. Only last year, the Sun was emerging from an unusually quiet Solar Minimum that lasted for years. The above image was recorded in a single color of light called Hydrogen Alpha, inverted, and false colored. Spicules cover much of the Sun's face. The gradual brightening towards the Sun's edges is caused by increased absorption of relatively cool solar gas and called limb darkening. Just over the Sun's edges, several scintillating prominences protrude, while prominences on the Sun's face are seen as light streaks. Possibly the most visually interesting of all are the magnetically tangled active regions containing cool sunspots. As our Sun's magnetic field winds toward Solar Maximum over the next few years, increased activity will likely create times when the Sun's face is even more complex. Orange Sun Scintillating Image Credit & Copyright: Alan Friedman (Averted Imagination)

A little Jingle for your Tuesday Evening…


O Inspiration, How you unfold!
In perfect Tempo with the Infinite Rhythm,
That will not forsake me, till my Vision has become Whole.

And while the Beat turns Thought to Form,
Strange Waves from the sound are Born,
Resonating towards a place now so Familiar.

In that Space, Where pen does paper greet,
The Mind, As line
The Heart does meet.
Aligned they Hold the power of Creation.

Friend Hear my proclamation!
Now No hesitation,
For The Infinite Rhythm Leads to All Inspiration!
Along that Old Wild Wave of The Ripple’s Rotation,
I Am One
With That, from which I’m Wove.




Scientists have recently uncovered new discoveries about the human brain and its interaction with its environment. These studies have centered around habits: how they are formed, how they are reinforced, and how they can be changed.

Your brain deals with a lot of stimulus and action every day, and that takes energy. In most cases, the brain’s goal is to cut down on work and energy consumption, so many of the daily activities we do are all streamlined into ‘blocks’ of automatic behavior. This ‘blocking’ of common tasks happens every day, like when you pull your car out of the driveway. When you were just learning how to reverse the car into the street, it took a lot of concentration and focus to keep the car straight, interpret the mirrors, push the gas, look behind you, etc. But now since you’re well-practiced at that routine, it becomes a ‘block’, simply “pulling out of the driveway”.

In lab studies, scientists observed this behavior of ‘blocking’ in rats. They set up a maze that had a latched door at the beginning and chocolate somewhere at the end. In the first few times the rats did the maze, their brains were cranking out the processing power. But after those first few times, the rats’ brain activity looked much different. There was a spike of brain activity at the sound of the latch at the beginning of the experiment and another spike at the rats’ acquisition of the chocolate. The space (of low brain activity) in-between those two spikes is what we can call a ‘block’ or ‘habit‘.

The whole experiment put together explains the ‘habit loop’, which starts with the ‘cue’ of the latch unlocking, the ‘routine’ of running through the maze, and the ‘reward‘ of the chocolate. Although this habit loop is specific to the rats, it presents itself in many aspects of our daily lives. For instance, a smoker has his cue (boredom), his routine (smoking), and his reward (relaxation?). Same thing with morning coffee addicts: cue (commute to work), routine (buying the coffee), and reward (caffiene buzz to start the day).

This key insight into humans’ thought processes can help us shape the way we act and think. Knowing that there are ways to change your habit loops can help you enact those changes. It is possible for an aspiring runner to engrain a morning run into his habits, as long as he understands the cycle: cue (putting on running shoes), routine (running), reward (satisfaction/weight loss). It is also well within the realm of possibility for a habitual cigarette smoker to kick the habit as long as he understands the cycle that he is caught in, and how he can amend that cycle to keep the reward without the consequence of all that smoke.

There’s much more on this habit loop and how it relates to consumer marketing and corporate sales on the new york times website here:  

It’s an awesome article, and I highly recommend it. You can be the change in your life, by understanding ourselves, we understand our destiny.

Cosmic Bri Here! Sharing all things Metaphysical, Psychological, and Somewhere in Between.

Reading Rainier Maria Rilke today, i stumbled upon these few lines that i felt were worth posting, for we all are artists in our own right.

…Works of Art are of an Infinite solitude, and no means of approach is so useless as criticism. Only love can touch and hold them and be fair to them.- Always trust  yourself and your own feeling, as opposed to argumentation, discussions, or introductions of that sort; if it turns out you are wrong, then the natural growth of your inner life will eventually guide you to other insights. Allow your judgments their own silent, undisturbed development, which, like all progress, must come from deep within and cannot be forced or hastened. Everything is gestation and the birthing. To let each embryo of feeling come to completion, entirely in itself, in the dark unsayable, the unconscious, beyond the reach of ones own understanding, and with deep humility and patience to wait for the hour when a new clarity is born: this alone is what it means to live as an Artist: in Understanding as in Creating.

In this there is no measuring of time, a year does not matter, ten years are nothing. Being an Artist means: not numbering and counting, but ripening like a tree, which does not force it’s sap, and stands confidently in the storms of spring, not afraid that afterward summer may not come. It does come. But it comes only to those who are patient, who are there as if eternity lay before them, so unconcernedly silent and vast. I learn it everyday of my life, and learn it with pain I am grateful for:

Patience is Everything!

Hey All!  I just stumbled on an amazing JavaScript hack, that I had to share with the world.  You can check out the full post here and add this bookmark onto your toolbar to Katamari any webpage!!  Its really fun, especially if you have ADD or “the rage”! So que some excellent music, set up your tool bar, and go wreck havoc on your client side Internets!

“I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervitsy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! If you can raed tihs psas it on!!”

lol It’s also much harder to type than to read, as unconsciously my mind was trying to correct the misspelled words as I wrote them down. I think this message impacts two strong lessons: The first, fundamentally as humans we think of things as concepts and ideas rather than technicalities and ultra-analytical. The second, is that as we review or rewrite another’s work, we subconsciously try and solve previous problems, making the end result better, and thus more meaningful. I think this is a powerful point to be made, especially on The Internet where we can share content so easily. We can all constantly review, comment, and inspire the next great idea, all contributing, all evolving, together.

these things change

Have you ever noticed how when somebody talks about their favorite sports team, it’s always “we won” or “we scored a goal”. we like to be a part of the spectacle of the sport, part of that world. 

but when we talk about the development of our roads, cities, communities, we’re always saying “they’re making a new highway” or “they’ve discovered a new drug for helping aids victims”. why is it that we seperate ourselves from the part of our society that gets things done? there are no people that exist in any city planning commission or zoning board that are not essentially connected to us. we’re much more connected to those people than the people playing the football game on the field.

it’s not necessary to seperate yourself from the progress and change in society. i would like to change my own thinking on it too, i’d like to…

View original post 35 more words

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“A Decentralized Solution to Certificate Authorities: Moxie Marlinspike’s

By now, I hope most people understand that certificate authorities are not invulnerable to hacks, and putting full trust in any single source is just poor faith.  This point is only amplified when we invest full trust in multiple stand-alone authorities, such as the situation we have today. If any single one of our trusted authorities fails,then we the end users are left vulnerable. Moxie Marlinspike sums the whole situation up rather nicely in this video:

At the end of the video, Moxie announces Convergence.  Converge is a new FireFox add-on, that runs in the background, and verifies the CA’s result through multiple physical channels.  This provides a decentralized perspective to aid in authentication confirmation.   Convergence was built on a white-paper entitled, Perspectives.  His solution at also takes care of several information leaks that existed in the original Perspectives implementation.  I highly suggest user’s instal this FireFox add-on!  It has several verification options which provides a huge amount trust agility, allowing user’s to set their level of paranoia.  It still has some problems, but Moxie is also accepting code reviews and donations.  The point is: We need more technologies like Convergence, which harness the decentralized strength of the Internet, and protect all individual users! “